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Counselling and Creative Therapies in and around Brighton & Hove


Cost. Fees Table - SocialMax

A portion of our fees covers running costs and also helps us provide counselling for those who have no resources.

We believe that counselling should be accessible to all and therefore we are able to offer a limited number of spaces for individuals at low cost as we believe finances should not prevent access to support. Through the generosity of a donor last year we were able to offer subsidies to some who were seriously struggling. If this sounds like you, please contact our friendly team to find out availability; we are happy to answer any questions you might have.

Cost. beach chairs


Our hope is to bless our community with professional counselling at affordable prices, hence our prices for sessions give scope according to your means. Our costs cover the basic running of the agency as well as paying our therapists a fair rate for their professional services. We also endeavour to give a percentage of our income to charitable causes and for some who have no income, therefore, we welcome public and individual donations to maintain the affordability of the service and we are so grateful to those who support us.

If you would like to make a donation to support someone in need of counselling please contact our administrator for details: contact@chariscounsellingbh.co.uk.

“It’s so difficult to keep it short about how highly I recommend Jacqui, my counsellor! She has made me love myself all over again and helped me make sense of my past and without her help, support and guidance I would still be allowing people to take advantage of me.” - CLIENT

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